Five Element Daily Journal – Element Earth


If you’re looking for a tool to inspire and motivate you on your five element journey then this journal is perfect for you. It’s easy to use and is packed with practices that will help you to feel more grounded, centered and connected to the natural world around you.

I created this journal to help you explore and deepen your relationship with the element Earth while working with the Five Element Theory. It helps you to explore and connect with the energies of the element through yin yoga, daily mantra and meditation.

The inside of the journal focuses on the element of the season (Late Summer) and you’ll discover yin yoga postures specifically selected to connect with the element’s energies and to help you work with the parts of the emotional and physical body that connect with the element of Earth. You will also be given Mantras to recite, meditation suggestions and thoughtful reflection questions to contemplate.

The journal includes 50 double pages with prompts. Whether you’re new to the five element theory, yoga or meditation, or you’re a seasoned practitioner, this journal offers a unique, interactive and engaging way to deepen your understanding of the elements and the impact on your life.

Page 1 – This belongs to
Page 2 – Introduction & T&C’s
Page 3 – Information about the qualities, properties and symbolism of the wood element
Page 4 – Yin Yoga Posture suggestions
Page 5 – Daily Mantra suggestions
Page 6 – Meditation focus
Page 7 – Reflection questions
Page 8 – 107 – Double page prompts
Page 108 –  Blank

Also available (sold separately)

Daily Journal – Element Wood (Spring)
Daily Journal – Element Metal (Autumn)
Daily Journal – Element Water (Winter)
Daily Journal – Element Fire (summer)

I hope you find this journal useful!

Lisa x


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